Morning Motivator - Living with Purpose

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
- Winston Churchill

Depression is on the RISE. You are 50% likely to divorce after MARRIAGE. Our country is in economic WOES. Now that I have you feeling GREAT about yourself... Ask, "how does this happen?"

I SUGGEST to you that most people don't know WHY they are taking the actions they do. Of course, we work to make MONEY, but why? Young couples get MARRIED... Why? People attend college... Again, why?

"Why?" is the correct question. The ANSWER is the challenge. A vast majority of people, myself very much included, are RITUALIZTIC and INFLUENCED by the pressures of our society. We attend CHURCH, strive to make a lot of MONEY, get MARRIED or go to COLLEGE because OTHERS believe it is important for us.

So, what should you do?

I'm not suggesting quit, break up, become an atheist, etc. I am saying ASK yourself "WHY?" and don't stop until you have an answer.

Once you have a CLEAR definition of PURPOSE - the path to success becomes very easy to find and navigate.

Just like a map, until you have a PURPOSE driven end point, you will find yourself spending lots of ENERGY and possibly NEVER meeting your goal.


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