Morning Motivator - Focus on Effective

"Focus on the one action that can make the greatest effect on success. That is your only, 'Best Choice.'"
- Zach Barker, author of the Morning Motivator (ha ha)

In the book I am finishing by Marshall Goldsmith, an interesting COMPARISON is made between golf and success. The idea surrounds PRACTICE of the "short game." Here is a paraphrase of the passage...

"It is common wisdom that 70% of all (golf) shots take place within 100 yards of the pin... Focus on fixing your short game; it represents at least 70% of your score. Yet if you go to a golf course you'll see very few people practicing their short game. They're all at the driving range trying to hit their oversized drivers as far as they can."

Amazingly, as a golfer, I know you can ONLY hit driver 12-14 times maximum per round, whereas you will putt or chip 40-50 times. So why would someone seeking to be a BETTER player, try to kill 350 yard drives? Are you a DRIVER or PUTTER at work?

What is the MOST effective action you can take at work to successfully accomplish your job?

Are you taking that action DAILY? If no, start immediately!!

With a clear UNDERSTANDING of what you need to do to be successful, a daily COMMITMENT to complete execution and a MONITORING system in place to demonstrate the results of your actions... Your SUCCESS is a foregone conclusion.

Take best actions, execute consistently... REAP THE REWARDS!!


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