Morning Motivator – The Friday before Vacation

"It is amazing how much a person can accomplish when they are motivated with time constraints and a reward."
- Tim Ferriss, Paraphrased from The Four-Hour Work Week

Its Friday, 8am, and your flight leaves at 3pm for whatever WONDERFUL vacation spot you have decided upon. The CHALLENGE facing you is that you have 10 hours worth of work and only 5-6 hours (subtract the pre flight time) to get it all done (and that's assuming you DON'T take a lunch). What will you do? Will you have to RESCHEDULE your flight? What happened the last time this HAPPENED?

If I was a betting man… I would put money on the idea that you ACCOMPLISHED all your work – with time to spare. How is that POSSIBLE?

Here is what we know about work HABITS. Most people have a much GREATER capacity to accomplish than what they operate at. A MAJORITY of people can complete their work in 4 hours or less each day; HOWEVER, they extend it over an 8 hour period so they can stay engaged the entire time. As a MANAGER, what is a good solution? Shorter work days? More work? Fire those LAZY s.o.b.'s and get better employees that are willing to put in the extra effort!? How many BOSSES' would ALSO be fired? Be honest…

Here is what I suggest: Create 2 functions to your day – (1) Maintenance and (2) Growth.

In the MAINTENANCE portion of your day, you will EXECUTE the activities that are defined as your "job." These are the activities that are most important TODAY to be accomplished. These would include sales, follow ups, management, reporting, trouble shooting, etc.

In the GROWTH portion of your day, you will INVEST into the "future success" of your job and company. These activities will include exploratory research on related products, services, competitors, etc. Additionally, this will include training, education, creative development, and new strategies.

AMAZINGLY, you will not only become more EFFICIENT and EFFECTIVE in your daily functions, you will also become more DYNAMIC and VALUABLE to your company as you INVEST into the future success of your team. Try it for a week… Regular work first. As soon as it is completed (whether 3 hours or 6 later) INVEST into your GROWTH. THREE months of this effort will help you achieve and attain more goals than you have ever in the past…


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