Morning Motivator – Just Enough is Good Enough… Now Do It!

"Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials."
- Lyn Yutang

Have you heard the phrase, "the enemy of good is great?" Any idea what that REALLY means?

In each of our offices, we have what could be termed a "Dragon Slayer." This is the person that is FOCUSED on getting things perfect, no matter how deep into a project they get. They are the ones that take a CHALLENGE head on and will not QUIT until the goal is achieved. These people are REALLY good at making sure things are done right.

This is an ADMIRABLE trait correct? Sure, I wouldn't disagree. What I might SUGGEST is that sometime this person just goes TOO FAR. Similar to a physician that takes a patient with a cold a diagnoses degenerative bone development in a patient NOT complaining about bone pains, this person may go OVERBOARD on occasion.

If you have ever had FRUSTRATIONS with the "perfectionist" or worse, you KNOW you are that person – you can understand the challenge in managing someone that doesn't know when "enough is enough."

In order for us all to do our business, execute our goals, manage our time and resources EFFECTIVELY – we must know when GOOD is better than GREAT. When "getting it done" is more important than "fixing the big problem."

Always FOCUS on providing the BEST service possible… just realize that sometimes your BEST at the moment - is not PERFECT. Fix it, report it and PERFECT it later… everyone appreciates someone that knows when GOOD is just enough!


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