Morning Motivator – Trusting Your Team

"Trust that little voice in your head that says 'Wouldn't it be interesting if…;' And then do it."
- Duane Michals

Ever wonder why your leadership team HIRED you? Do you know what it really MEANS to be a part of a team? What is being SAID when you are asked to manage a set of tasks to completion?

TRUST is a word that is defined by the bond between two or more people. It is established by the CONTINUAL commitment to ensuring the success and well being of one another. When someone has the ability to KNOW that you have their best interests at heart AND the commitment to seeing you effectively execute all the necessary steps to share in their goals – you truly can be left to your own accord.

We all seek FREEDOM in our professional lives to serve as leaders. We seek the CONFIDENCES of our leadership teams to take on major projects and see them through to their successful achievement. Collectively, a focused goal of most employees is to make SIGNIFICANT difference in their company, such that they are able to build something BIGGER than themselves… a LEGACY.

Do you know how a business really GROWS? It is done by trusting your team, their plans and their ability to execute…WHOLLY!

REALITY CHECK: You cannot physically be everywhere, all the time.

REALITY SOLUTION: Allow your trusted business partners, team members and/or vendors the opportunity to PROVE they are as awesome as you think.

When you finally "let go" of the security blanket you carry, which can be seen in the phrase, "you want it don't right, do it yourself," you DISCOVER the true meaning of LEADERSHIP. This is most commonly found by doing what you FEAR most – TRUSTING someone else to take GREAT care of things for you!


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