Morning Motivator – Carry It Out… Through Others

"Effective leadership is putting first things first. Effective management is discipline, carrying it out."
-Stephen Covey

LEADERSHIP. It's a pretty BIG word for those who understand it. It's an even BIGGER responsibility for those who LIVE it. What makes for a great LEADER though?

To lead is to be able to SEE the bigger picture of what must be EXECUTED to achieve a mutually beneficial end goal. To lead is to EMPOWER those with special talent to execute in manners more efficient than you are capable of alone. To lead is to become a SERVANT of those that "do" the work so as to ELIMINATE their barriers to accomplishment.

A GREAT leader realizes that they are NOT the best at doing the work. They also UNDERSTAND that the greatest potential hazard to their achievement is their own EGO. By allowing others to PERFORM at the best of their abilities, leading their own teams within their best CAPACITIES, a leader is able to stay DISCIPLINED in staying the course as distractions arise and TEMPT to pull away their focus.

I BELIEVE that we all seek to become a great LEADER. We all desire OWNERSHIP of our success and control over our future. Do you SEEK to be in CHARGE of your own happiness?

Learn to LEAD through EMPOWERMENT - the delegation of power and control to OTHERS that seek to have power and control over their own actions. By defining CLEAR goals and SPECIFIC executables timetables, you can allow others the same OWNERSHIP over their success as you seek to embrace yourself. You can ALLOW them to achieve more for your goals, through their own.

To truly become a GREAT leader, you must learn to surround yourself with the BEST and most COMPLIMENTARY talent you can find (and search as much as needed), in addition to learning to SURRENDER your "control" over others, in order to allow them the FREEDOM to be successful. Learn to EMPOWER… and you will become the MOST EFFECTIVE of leaders!


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