Morning Motivator - What WON'T You Do?

"Successful people do what unsuccessful people won't."
- Joe White, President, Novacopy

I just ENJOYED breakfast with one of my favorite business leaders in Nashville, Joe White. I am always CHALLENGED and AWED by his laser focus.

We chatted about various topics, however, he made the above comment relating to an event he attended on SUNDAY. Yes, on a Sunday, Joe was attending a Professional Development seminar. While others were at the pool or watching TV, he was GROWING himself personally and professionally.

I WONDERED why I wasn't there... Or if I would have even attended. What would YOU Have done?

Next time you are PRESENTED an opportunity, consider if other successful people are doing the same thing. Consider the people COMPLAINING about it and if you want to be a part of that GROUP...

To be successful, you must take the ACTIONS of a successful person. You may be asked and required to give MORE time, energy, money, etc to get where you seek to be.

Don't worry though... I hear the view from the top of the pile is GREAT! See you there...


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