Morning Motivator – The Confidence to Get What You Ask For

"One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation."
-Arthur Ashe

Are you AFRAID to ask for the big deal? Have you ever entered a client appointment thinking "they will NEVER go for this?" Wonder why other people get the BIG deals and how??

Commonly, the people CLOSING the big deals are the ones that are NOT afraid to ask for it. Case in point, I recently engaged a client with a proposal for services that, to some, seemed as though it was a "BIG ASK." "It's a lot of money every month for a small business, don't you think?" I was asked. I AGREED – it was a lot.

Understanding that I was asking a lot, I also knew something else… I was OFFERING a lot. I was PREPARED with the information, support structures, counter points and financials that support my proposal. Do I think they will go for it? Sure, why wouldn't they? I KNOW that we offer a HIGHLY COST EFFECTIVE and PROFESSIONAL service unlike any others in our service offering industry. I am CONFIDENT in my numbers…

When you are PREPARED with the information needed to VALIDATE your proposals, offerings or suggestions, you will find that your CONFIDENCE is unshakable.

By having all the information (or immediate access to it), you have EMPOWERED yourself with the internal commitment to your message. Just think – if you KNOW its solid, how difficult will it be for a client to see, feel and taste that?

Be PREPARED, stand your ground and SHOWCASE your confidence… then you WILL start winning the BIG DEALS too!!


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Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

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