Morning Motivator – The Courage to Succeed

"A great deal of talent is lost to the world for want of a little courage. Every day sends to their graves obscure men whose timidity prevented them from making a first effort."
-Sydney Smith

Are you looking for you next PROMOTION? Do you wish that you were able to muster the COURAGE to ask for what you know you can achieve? Why have you not yet gone to your boss to ask for the LEADERSHIP role you know you are made for?

All too often, people make DECISIONS about their success out of FEAR. We RATIONALIZE why we "can't" do something. We imagine the reasons why it will NEVER work. As well as ENVISIONING all the hurdles that will be placed in our way that will prevent us from attaining what we want so badly. We are VERY GOOD at doing this…

This is the flaw of the human being – the belief that we can see the FUTURE. I am amazed daily, by others and myself, in the ways that we use our innate powers of MIND READING and FORTUNE TELLING to forecast our life success. Why are you so CERTAIN that you won't get that job, promotion or pay raise? How are you so DEFINITE that the client won't buy?

Best question: if you know so much – why the heck don't you start a fortune telling business?

We all have the DESIRE to succeed, and yet, only a certain FEW ever do. Why is this?

We are separated - The ones that WANT it and the ones that believe the DESERVE it!

If you stop to EXAMINE the top achievers in your group, you will find that they don't "hope" for good things… they EXPECT them. They have DECIDED that SUCCESS is more important to them than their FEAR. They have developed a high level of SELF CONFIDENCE, also known as COURAGE, and leverage this feeling into results.

If you don't have that courage YET – find it. If you don't know WHERE to look – email me, I have some good places you can start!


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