Morning Motivator - For Maximum Results Share Yourself

"Churchill wrote his own speeches. When a leader does that, he becomes emotionally invested with his utterances... If Churchill had had a speech writer in 1940, Britain would be speaking German today."
-James C. Humes

As I mentioned yesterday, last night was my last OVERSIGHT of the Nashville Junior Chamber Membership Meeting as President. Tearfully, I PRESENTED my final address of appreciation for others support, their collective willingness to COMMIT to a greater goal and for making me look like a STAR!

After the meeting ended, a member approached me to ask how I became such a POLISHED speaker. I didn't know I was…

I discussed with him the fact that I don't PREPARE speeches, I prepare talking points. I KNOW what message I want to get across and allow myself the LIBERTIES to get there as I see fit. Most importantly, I speak CANDIDLY and OPENLY with only sincere thoughts allowed. I allow myself to become VULNERABLE and open to RIDICULE. But… I stay TRUE to myself.

The only time I have ever had FEAR in a speech or presentation is when I felt I could FAIL in delivering it. By "scripting" your message, you become a medium of REGURGITATION and any "slip" in the presentation creates ANXIETY.

When you allow yourself the FREEDOM to speak in your "voice," making sure to address your areas of focus, you create a DYNAMIC discussion that others can relate to. You allow for stories, anecdotes and improvisation to create a wonderful BLEND of education and instruction.

Ease up a little bit… Tell your story… Have fun getting those points. THAT will help YOU become the best speaker YOU are capable of being.


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