Morning Motivator - Moving On, Moving Up

"Spend 80% of your time focusing on the opportunities of tomorrow rather than the problems of yesterday."
- Brian Tracy

Today is my FINAL Nashville Junior Chamber membership meeting as President. I have been looking on the calendar for this day for quite a few months now… Why? Today is MY day to "Move On and Move Up."

There is an INTERESTING occurrence in business, the ability of someone to ACHIEVE more than others around them, once they have seen someone else attain it. Example: A new sales person joins the team. The prior reps were only able to GENERATE $1M in revenue per year. The new rep has past EXPERIENCE with a rep that generated $2.5M. Within the year, the new rep has generated $2.8M and the rest of the team ATTAINS $1.9M. How?

By "setting the bar" higher and KNOWING that you can accomplish greater achievements – you are able to MOVE UP and MOVE ON to the next level. As a young man that would have never taken on the Presidency of an 85 year old organization, I know stand a PROFESSIONAL that has the ABILITY and CONFIDENCE to run ANY company… very well!

As chapters in your life end, it is YOUR duty to yourself to attain more and continue to grow. With each great MILESTONE, you learn that you DO have the talent and ability to accomplish your dreams with much more ease than originally considered.

For me, I plan to help my company, Advanced Network Solutions, achieve OUR next level… and then, who knows… maybe I will run for a different PRESIDENT. =)


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