Morning Motivator - What's it Gonna Take?

"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero." Lat., "Seize the day, put no trust in tomorrow."
-Horace, Odes

What DREAM do you still have waiting for "something" to happen? Do you have a thought that BURDENS your mind?

Last week, I PARTICIPATED in an event which included one of my prior employers, Andy Bailey of NationLink Wireless. I was quite EXCITED to see him and be able to assist in growing his business. Additionally, on a personal level, I was very happy to share with him the GROWTH I have experienced since parting ways.

To my admission, I used to drive him NUTS! I had all the right tools to be SUCCESSFUL and was incapable of getting "over the hump." Why? Simple answer: I lacked a sense of URGENCY. Andy has always been very good at EXECUTING the most important task... immediately! He would coach me regarding PRIORITIZATION and EXECUTION, continually asking me..."what are you waiting for?"

I never was able to APPRECIATE Andy while I worked with him, as I was more frustrated and challenged by his continual "push for more growth." Now, as an older, wiser Zachary, I find that his tutelage was exceptional!

In your passionate pursuit of MORE, BETTER, FASTER, don't forget that all success starts with the FIRST STEP towards it.

At some point you have to start asking yourself, "What's it gonna take for me to finally get off my tail?" and "What am I waiting for?"

Don't let FEAR of greatness allow you to MISS your success!


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