Morning Motivator - "Time's a Wastin'"

"If I could do it over again, I would..."
- Common phrase

I woke up last night from a very WEIRD dream. I will spare you the details other than to mention a squirrel was wearing a wedding ring... like I said, weird! As I awoke, for some reason, this feeling of ENLIGHTENMENT came over me. It was one of those moments where you TRULY have an appreciation that your life will not go on forever... I had a moment of understanding my "time limitations" in life.

It has only happened to me a FEW times and each time is PROFOUND. Such thoughts as the idea that I CANNOT recapture the time prior to today, I will never again be 29 years old and anything I have MISSED up to this point, is just that, missed.

It has also MOTIVATED me to really get on my horse and start busting my tail. I have spent the morning completing two of the most EXCELLENT proposals I have ever prepared, scheduled a recurring plan for educating new clients about better ways to run their business and defined the program for teaching young professionals the BEST books for their business.

Your life is just that - YOURS. The results of your actions are also - YOURS. Your circumstances are, you guessed it - YOURS.

Since everything is up to YOU, it seems obvious that the limiting factors are only - TIME and EFFORT. You know that time is FINITE and eventually will run out. The EFFORT side of the equation is VARIABLE and under your control.

You cannot create more time, however, with greater EFFORT (and focus), you will be able to FREE more of the FINITE time for more enjoyable actions, opportunities and experiences.

So if you are waiting to start doing something... well, maybe you should just go ahead and start TODAY!


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