Morning Motivator - The ExTrEmE...

"...just like with many other life lessons going to extremes is not always the right answer."
- Kathie Hirsch, Chief Nursing Officer, Baptist Hospital

Thank you James German of St. Thomas Hospital for the above quote.

"I want results NOW!!" Ever work for a boss that has said that? Maybe you have heard it from your own mouth?

The swan song of the IMPATIENT is the request for IMMEDIATE results. How REALISTIC are immediate results? Better question... How realistic are immediate POSITIVE results??

Often, in our HASTE for productivity, we go to EXTREME measures to push our initiatives. Much like the governments STIMULUS package, when we rush, we FAIL to think about the end goal and total impact. We miss DETAILS and end up creating new problems...

Strategic, calculated PLANNING is critical when engaging in high level activities. The larger the project, the greater the IMPORTANCE of planning becomes.

For SUSTAINABLE, POSITIVE results, plan for your SUCCESS. For IMMEDIATE results (regardless of positive or negative effect), take EXTREME actions as quickly as possible...

Sure, you MIGHT get lucky and win... But what if you don't?? PLAN TO BE SUCCESSFUL!


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