Morning Motivator - The Extra Effort

"Thanks dude. You made my day..."
- Anthony Deysher, Advanced BioHealing

If you had one CHANCE to make a great connection - what would you do to make it?

Last night, a new client of mine from San Diego (who is in town for only 72 hours), was SUPPOSED to meet with me for drinks and a first "live" meeting together. We chatted about grabbing a drink at 6pm. Then business came up... "Let's do 630p" he said. And then... "I'm still jammed up... How about 7pm?"

Ok, ok, ok.. You see where this is going... The CHOICE: Wait until the "next time" or do something NOW! I choose now...

Long story short, I grabbed a 6 pack of beer, drove 30 mins and met him at his office. He was having a ROUGH day and needed a break... So I helped him out.

Good move? Probably. Why do it? Simple, no one really wants to make the EFFORT to make a great connection and I do!

True, we may NEVER do business again... But I do have a new friend for life.

So ask yourself - How far are you WILLING to go to make that great CONNECTION?


*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to –

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