Morning Motivator – The Beauty of “Edutainment”

"Anyone who tries to make a distinction between education and entertainment doesn't know the first thing about either."
- Marshall McLuhan

Think back to the last TRAINING session… SNOOOOZE, right? I thought so.

Earlier this week I was GRANTED a very kind COMPLIMENT. A long time friend, and HOPEFUL new client, said that I was the "best salesperson" she had ever met. I CRINGED. Now, I am NOT ashamed of my profession and have great PRIDE in the value that "salespeople" bring to a company. Frankly, if it wasn't for sales people – no one else would have a JOB! The REASON I cringed is because I don't want to have people confuse "SALES" with "EDUCATION." Let me explain…

A "salesperson," as most of us know them, is someone that is trying to TELL you why you need something that will change your world FOREVER. Rather, a PROFESSIONAL salesperson is an EDUCATOR. They share ideas and demonstrate opportunities so the CLIENT can make the best DECISION for their selves. They have a knack for TEACHING and ENTERTAINING a client in a way that makes their proposal easy to understand and make clear decisions from.


As an EDUCATOR for the purpose of selling improved business processes, I have found that the fine art of "EDUTAINMENT" is the differentiator between being "salesy" and "memorable."

If you act like a CLOWN, telling lame jokes and desperately trying to deliver entertainment as a "side" of your presentation – you come off as "SALESY" and thus will be discounted.

If you are a MASTER of your presentation, able to create REAL LIFE humor from common situations, then you will become DESIRABLE, easy to RELATE to and MEMORABLE long after the initial visit.

Simply put, once you are able to MASTER your delivery and INTEGRATE relevant humor into your delivery – you will EXPERIENCE the power of "edutainment" and as a result, will find MORE presentation opportunities and closed sales! Make it FUN to do business together and people will GRAVITATE towards you…


*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to –

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