Morning Motivator - A Leading Reminder...

"People need more to be reminded (more) than to be instructed."
- CS Lewis

Special thank you to a great supporter and friend I just don't do enough with, Jody Duncan of ADS Security, for the above quote.

Don't you just "love" MICROMANAGEMENT? (Sarcasm again offered for free today) You know, the kind of management that is always TELLING you what to do, each step of the way...

I am FORTUNATE, I don't work in that type of group. I have been part of a MICROMANAGED team before though. The constant ask of - "where are you?", "have you called the client?", "did you send that email?", etc.

My management theory is this - if you don't TRUST them to do the work, don't HIRE them! Otherwise, hire for skill, intelligence, ambition and time management. Hire for DESIRED behaviors... Teach SPECIFIC skills later.

The thought comes to mind, "to get respect you must give respect." As a manager, who has hired the RIGHT person for the job, it is your duty to continually remind and coach your staff to excellence. By serving as a DRILL sergeant, you will create more ANGST and DISDAIN than LOYALTY and CONFIDENCE.

You must note that BUILDING your team is a CONTINUAL "process." Note the word PROCESS. You must CREATE a process for excellence in execution, then consistently REMIND the team of your END goals, VALUES and PRINCIPLES. Create an environment of TRUST and they will bring SOLUTIONS to the process that will create the end goal you are seeking...

Build TRUST, create PROCESSES and REMIND the individual of their WORTH. All else will follow...


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