Morning Motivator - A Little is MUCH Better than NONE

"Sure, Sonny. I'll split the commission... Let's just get it done!"
- Zach Barker, Tuesday 2:12p

I had an INTERESTING moment yesterday. A moment where I had to PRACTICE what I preach.

A PROSPECTIVE client referral came to me around lunch time and needed QUICK attention. Being in Memphis at training (without web access) made fulfilling the OPPORTUNITY very challenging. What to do!?!

I am a BELIEVER that getting it done is MOST IMPORTANT. You figure out the "how" along the way. With that in mind, my team COLLABORATED to get the quote out... QUICKLY!

What was the SACRIFICE? For me, half of the CASH I would have made going alone.

The ALTERNATIVE... Quite likely, moving too SLOW for the prospective client and making 100% of ZERO DOLLARS!

So, what would you do? SHARE in success or WHOLEY own your PRIDE?

LEVERAGE your teammates and enjoy SUCCESS collectively...


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