Morning Motivator - My BAD Attitude

"Don't play to see who can win... PLAY TO WIN!"
- Unknown

Many people know that I am an AVID "athlete." I will play ANY sport... ANYWHERE... ANYTIME! From Kickball to Soccer, Paintball to Football - I will do it ALL!

Here is the kicker... "APPARENTLY" I have a bad attitude. By "bad attitude," I mean I have an UNRULY desire to win... EVERY SINGLE TIME! I don't care if we are playing for "fun" or in a "competitive" environment. I WANT TO WIN!

I have NEVER understood the mentality of "playing to play." I am not able to "turn off" the switch when it comes to WINNING. Do you play to WIN? Do you play to PLAY? Do you have that "ON/OFF" switch for winning?

Ask yourself... Is this OBSESSIVE compulsion with WINNING bad? Possibly.

What's your ALTERNATIVE? Accepting LOSING?

When you DECIDE to begin ACCEPTING losses - you create a BUFFER in your mentality. You start an internal CULTURE of allowing yourself to accept SHORTCOMINGS.

Why SACRIFICE your dreams? PLAY TO WIN!! Otherwise, someone WILL win YOUR dreams...


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