Morning Motivator – To Win, You Must Lose

"All courses of action are risky, so prudence is not in avoiding danger (it's impossible), but calculating risk and acting decisively. Make mistakes of ambition and not mistakes of sloth. Develop the strength to do bold things, not the strength to suffer."
- Niccoló Machiavelli, The Prince

I KNOW what winners know… I just don't do it enough. I KNOW what SUCCESSFUL people believe… even though I haven't yet made it routine. I UNDERSTAND what many others haven't yet figured out… have you?

One of the KEYS to success is INCREASING your failure rate to a MAXIMUM. YES – I repeat – FAIL MORE! Fail more OFTEN. Fail HARDER.

"Failure" as most know the term, it is NEGATIVE… associated with PAIN, LOSS OF JOB and PRESSURE. How many consider "failure" a REQUIREMENT of education? How many people associate "failure" with SUCCESS? How many use it as a gauge for their POSITIVE activity? How many make "failure" a GOAL?

(Here's a secret. The real WINNERS do all the above.)

Most people only MEASURE success. They only measure the SCHEDULED APPOINTMENTS, NEW LEADS and CLOSED SALES. They only measure what is ACHIEVED in the lowest frequency. That creates a lot of PRESSURE!

Change the game… measure the GREATEST occurrence – FAILURE. For one week, take a daily measurement of your "failures." The following week, make your GOAL to DOUBLE your failure rate. The following week, TRIPLE it!

Then, once you have spent that time measuring and increasing your FAIL-RATE, look back and measure the SUCCESSES. You might be IMPRESSED at what you can accomplish by just failing a little more often!!


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