Morning Motivator – "Working The System”

"The system is the solution."
- AT&T

I must admit that given the right environment, I am NOT a much disciplined person. I, like many others, can fall back to being LAZY, DISORGANIZED and PROCRASTINATING. I would suggest that most humans are EQUALLY apathetic given the opportunity.

With that being said, I have RECOGNIZED that by building a "SYSTEM" – a set of processes and rules for executing work – I am able to stay FOCUSED and DISCIPLINED in my efforts.

By creating a SYSTEM of rules and actions – you are able to ensure that every CRITICAL step is executed and done so in a TIMELY manner. Additionally, you are able to EXAMINE the system for "fail points," by which you can begin REPLACING or AUTOMATING for greater efficiency. Think of your job as an ASSEMBLY LINE. Every step along the way is the SAME. Every action is CHARTED on a path. Every result can be MEASURED. Every product has an EXPECTED quality.


If you KNEW every step along the way of your daily work – how much of it do you think you could ELIMINATE? How much WASTED time is in every day?

Have you considered that if you were more EFFICIENT in your work, you may be able to create BETTER results in LESS time?

I suggest that you spend the next 2 weeks CHARTING your workflow. UNDERSTAND your "system" and how it works. Write it down on a piece of paper and circle the CONSISTENT "fail points." Once you have them NOTED – find ways to ELIMINATE or AUTOMATE those steps. If that is not possible, approach those areas for "RETOOLING." If you are able to DEFINE this process, you will find that your work life becomes SIMPLIFIED, your PRODUCTIVITY will increase and FREE TIME will become available.

Start today… no point in PROCRASTINATING! =)


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