Morning Motivator - How Big is Your Success Team?

"HECK YEAH! I'd love to be a part of that!"
- Common response when asking people to support your goals

I am on a SPECIAL ADVENTURE these past weeks... I am TEAM BUILDING.

Not anything formal or highly STRUCTURED, rather laying the ground work for FUTURE success and quick ramp up! And I must ADMIT, the experience has been EXHILIRATING!!

My goal has been to speak with people SHARING my SUCCESS VISION and INTERESTS in growth. These discussions have been are intended to "weed out" people who don't fit the DEFINED model and ASSIMILATE those that do.

When you "see" your FUTURE success, do you envision yourself achieving it ALONE?

Most of us WILL need assistance or support along the way... Who will there do FILL those ROLES?

I SUGGEST that you begin IDENTIFYING the people you see as a valuable asset (future or present) and begin SHARING your SUCCESS PLAN with them. This will ENSURE they are AWARE of your goals, as well as allow for them to CONTRIBUTE if able.

Just IMAGINE what you can ACHIEVE will a loyal ARMY of supporters!

On a side note: As part of my CONTINUED commitment to accountability, today's weight is: 225.5 lbs, Last Friday: 228.6, Delta: -3.1 lbs


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