Morning Motivator - Self Belief and Arrogance

"Its lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believed in myself."
- Muhammad Ali

I have a lot of CONFIDENCE in my capabilities. I have been ACCUSED of occasionally being arrogant or self promoting. I imagine we are all GUILTY of that. I am interested in the idea of CONFIDENCE (or OVER CONFIDENCE) as it seems to be a "bad word" for many people these days.

In a world that no longer keeps score of children's ball games and is afraid to say NO to someone for fear of hurting their feelings, I find RESOLVE in people that are not afraid to say it like it is. Consider the people you RESPECT most... why is that?

Often you find those people are very CONFIDENT in themselves and thus able to be very CANDID in discussions with you. They are not AFRAID to answer your questions with the REAL answers. They are more INTERESTED in helping become a powerful and confident person, than SUGAR COATING your poor, sweet, innocent ego. What gives them this INCREDIBLE ability to "just say it?"

Commonly, people lacking internal CONFIDENCE and personal security STRUGGLE serving as a trusted advisor to others. They are limited in the emotional CAPACITY to "potentially" damage someone's confidence. Do you know WHY?
It is called "MIRRORING." They would NOT want you to hurt their feelings, so they will do ANYTHING possible to protect yours. A very kind gesture, however, a key to our GROWTH is CANDID criticism and suggestions for improvement. If someone does not (or will not) shoot you straight - then what VALUE do they serve.

Look, I am not suggesting you go verbally BEAT PEOPLE UP in the name of "growth." What I am SUGGESTING is that if you are struggling to be frank with others, take the time to EXAMINE why and see if the challenge isn't really about YOU, not them.

Have CONFIDENCE in yourself... I do (otherwise I would share all this personal stuff with you anyhow). :)


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