Morning Motivator – Seeking Your Fulfillment

"I have wandered all my life, and I have traveled; the difference between the two is this -- we wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfillment."
-Hilaire Belloc

First, I want to say THANK YOU for all of your support this past week as I traveled Scotland. I hope that your week was PRODUCTIVE and FOCUSED.

Part of this past week JOURNEY was to attend a wedding of some close friends. I cannot think of another life event that is more ADVENTUROUS than the idea of marriage. A JOURNEY of happiness, challenges, frustration, teamwork and personal sacrifice. Most of all, I BELIEVE this to be true for one simple reason… we CHOOSE this adventure. No one is REQUIRED to get married. No FORCES you to commit to the journey of partnership with another person. You truly CHOOSE to make this life commitment.

My belief is that the journey of marriage is a journey of FULFILLMENT. Prior to finding that special person and making that commitment, we enjoy the company of others, even considering deeper commitments with some of those people. Often, those may have worked also, yet the one that is CHOSEN does appear to be one of LIFELONG fulfillment.

From a very young age, most people ROMANTICIZE with the idea of love and marriage. We spend time DREAMING of the person we will be with and what that life will look like. And yet, we OVERLOOK our careers and personal well being. Why is this? Is it not as SEXY? Not as ENTERTAINING? Not as ENGAGING?

When you consider your life – note that it is a balance of FULFILLMENT and PURPOSE in ALL AREAS! You must find the right person to MARRY, raise a family, support your career aspirations, drive your positive health decisions and encourage your CREATIVITY.

By seeking LOVE that encompasses all of these areas, you are able to find someone that will help you BREAKTHROUGH your personal barriers and achieve your goals by overcoming fears, hesitations and criticisms. Find someone to seek FULFILLMENT with you – life, career, personal, health, spirituality and more. You will find that SUCCESS is the enjoyment of a fulfilling life…

On a personal note: I have found my person, Ms. Nancy Dubuisson, and 2 days ago asked her to marry me. She said YES! And so my fulfillment journey begins…


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