Morning Motivator - Stay Cool...

"Patience is a virtue, just not one I have."
- Zachary Barker

Daily I am REMINDED of my "alpha personality" by varying people in my life. It comes in the subtle form of, "RELAX! Getting agitated isn't going to change anything."

Simply put, I disagree.

The GREAT leaders of our time - political, financial, spiritual, and other - were all AGITATED with the "way things are."

Consider Presidents George Washington and Abe Lincoln. What is they had SETTLED for "being patient?" What if Jesus Christ felt that his people should just "get along?" What if the world just left Hitler alone and waited PATIENTLY to see how things "pan out?"

As a LEADER you are asked to bear a difficult role - the one of CHANGE MAKER.

Your role is to be DISSATISFIED and IMPATIENT! You are the one that is EXPECTED to create the ideas for change, define the actions and delegate the AUTHORITY to execute accordingly.

It IS your job to be IMPATIENT...

So, next time someone tells you to RELAX - ask yourself, "can I change this situation?" and then DO IT!


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