Morning Motivator – 60 Minutes to the Sky, Trees or Ground...

"It's ok if you aim for the sky and hit in the trees, but it's not ok to aim for the trees and hit the ground."
- Patrick Thean, author of "Execute Without Drama"

It is 9:17am. At 10:17am – how many minutes will have passed? This is a SILLY question and a very CRITICAL one to understand.

You, I, Bill Gates, Oprah, Peyton Manning and everyone else will have EXPERIENCED 60 minutes in that time frame. Bill Gates doesn't get 65, not does Oprah get 73. We ALL get 60 minutes to do what we see best suited. The varying DIFFERENCE between TOP ACHIEVERS and people still seeking "their success," is simply the use of their time and the way in which they set their goals.

Do we understand how to ESTABLISH goals? How to MEASURE them? How to CELEBRATE them?

In speaking with TOP LEVEL PRODUCERS, many of them have developed VALUE SYSTEMS that drive their behavior. Often they:

1. Have GOALS which are attainable, but not easily achievable (ie. they aim very high)

2. KNOW and have IDENTIFIED the "best daily activities" for attaining their end results

3. STRICTLY execute their daily activities to assure they are completed

4. MEASURE their efficiency and effectiveness of these activities daily and adjust as needed

5. CELEBRATE their successes – they don't seek to OVER ACHIEVE their goals… why? Because they are so high to start, it would be near IMPOSSIBLE to over achieve them.

6. SHARE their success and knowledge with others to create LOYALTY and LEVERAGE

7. CONTINUALLY educate themselves for growth, creativity and perspective.

Are we, as leaders, doing these things? What is ONE action item you could do for each of the above 7 items to make sure you know?


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