Morning Motivator - What Do You See?

"It isn't that they can't see the solution. It is that they can't see the problem."
- GK Chesterton

I have a BRILLIANT idea! It is a SIMPLE and EASY way to control variable IT expenses and enhance business operations.

Funny thing... Every business owner is town has NOT yet called me begging for the solution.

The CHALLENGE, for me, is I know the solution to "their" business concerns - budgeting, data security and expert service. Recently, however, I am starting to UNDERSTAND, that I don't fully know what the PROBLEM is...

My team is still seeking the key to IDENTIFYING the "pain."

All too often, we come across people that "KNOW" they can make our life faster, cheaper, better...

Rarely, do those people "KNOW" anything about our "real problems."

UNDERSTANDING the "problem," is the most important step to solving it. Understanding your solution and RELATING it to people's needs will help you in formulating the questions needed to see the problem.

Prove you see the problem, then ask...

... "What questions need to be asked of YOURSELF to do that?"


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