Morning Motivator - Lacking Motivation?

"It is challenging to be your best daily. Do you ever just accept 'pretty good?'"
- unknown

We SHOULD be our best and give the optimal effort daily. We SHOULD also let the guy driving in the emergency lane get by without a SCATHING temper tantrum... And that doesn't happen either!

Expecting that you will be your BEST everyday assumes that you have CONTROL over every aspect of your life - thoughts, feelings, health, spirit. LIKELY, you will have an off day now and again. Its OKAY!!

I look at daily PERFORMANCE as a MAXIMIZATION of available capacity and resources. If your "best" tomorrow is 80% of what your CAPABLE of in an IDEAL day... Then make sure you are 100% of that 80%. Make sense??

Michael Jordan had "LESS than spectacular" days during his ILLUSTRIOUS career. Einstein wasn't a GENIUS every day. Even Nelson Mandela isn't an INSPIRATION daily.

We are all SUBJECT to less than 100% performance. As ACHIEVERS and LEADERS of the future, we are NOT allowed to give less than 100% of our ability for that day.

We are OBLIGATED to serve as the role models for others around us. Those people that look to us for their daily HOPE, SUPPORT and INSTRUCTION. We must DEMONSTRATE the resilience and dedication to our success, even when we aren't up to the CHALLENGE, so that the people we are leading understand that they WILL be expected to do the same when their time comes!



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