Morning Motivator - The Truth About Learning

"Let's face it. Learning isn't fun."
- Anonymous

Yesterday, I spent the day participating and supporting a local executive LEADERSHIP training program. I am very FORTUNATE to have the opportunity to participate for a second time in this class in a new capacity.

One of the most INTERESTING comments that was made yesterday was the one above. I found it to be very POIGNANT and APPROPRIATE.

Consider your most MEMORABLE and VALUABLE learning experience. Was it in an EASY class? Was it the business EXPERIMENT that worked the very first time you tried? Do you remember how NON-EMBARRASSING that great learning opportunity was?

Just know that LEARNING IS NOT FUN. It is not meant to be. Your kids will NOT have fun in school. Learning a new skill at work is NOT enjoyable every day. CHANGE is not something people look forward to.

LEARNING, however, is APPRECIATED once completed. The SACRIFICES you make to become EDUCATED create a sense of priority in APPLYING those new skills. You become a STAKEHOLDER in your own success.

Instead of looking to each day and HOPING for as little discomfort, awkwardness and stress... use these FEELINGS to gauge your GROWTH and EFFECTIVENESS in creating your own success.

If you are having a TON of fun... you probably aren't trying HARD enough! Create success and take pride in the STRUGGLE to get there.

Enjoy your weekend! ;)


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