Morning Motivator - What's Your Routine?

"Routine will set you free."
- Verne Harnish, author of "Mastering the Rockefeller Habits"

If we, as human beings, were animals that could NOT be distracted, then we wouldn't need routines. Most of us have PLENTY...

We wake up at the SAME time, get out of bed the SAME way, drive the SAME way to work and start our days the EXACT SAME way... EVERY DAY!

This COULD become the most LIBERATING or DAMNING aspect to your success!

IF your daily work routine is RIDDLED with ineffective and inefficient routines, you will PERPETUTATE your inability to achieve!

If your day is ALIGNED with high producing, VALUE added and FOCUSED activities, you will ASSURE your success... And likely be able to take Friday off!!

Would you rather make it EASY with productive routines... or work 75 hours a week because you spend the first 2 hours of the day on YouTube and email??


*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to –

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