Morning Motivator - "What If"

"You are a man haunted by those two most terrible words. 'What if?'"
- from the "Time Machine"

I must admit, reluctantly, that I AM a person haunted by "what if" in my life... College, business, sports, personal relationships, anything and everything.

The DANGER associated with a "what if" mentality is that is FAILS to challenge itself with a "what could be" focus. The type of FOCUS and ABILITY using past experiences as a learning platform for increasing SPEED and EFFECTIVENESS in later applications.

By DWELLING on past "misses" or "failures" means that you have not yet ACCEPTED them, disallowing you from GROWING and MATURING.

"What if" is your minds inability to accept your place in the world. It is the "swan song" of people that have not yet taken RESPONSIBILITY for their happiness and success.

As you ELIMINATE the "what if" mentality, you will find that your OPPORTUNITIES become more abundant and the DREAMS you once had are more easily realized.

Sometimes, I think, "What if I never started the Morning Motivator?" Then I remember that my INITIAL thoughts were "what if I never try?"


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