Morning Motivator - Who Needs "Service"?

"Sorry, we are closed."
- Acklen Ave Post Office Employee @ 5:02pm

Its AMAZING how you can learn something every single day... At 5:02pm yesterday, I learned why the US Postal Service is FAILING.

Unlike other businesses, the GOVERNMENT is not a "service oriented" enterprise. There is no VALUE set on client satisfaction. Hiring is "handcuffed" due to "political correctness," often leading to employing less than IDEAL candidates, as the "company" is more FOCUSED on protecting the employees "rights" than serving the client. (Exceptions exist - thankfully. Visit Tommie Allen in Cadiz, KY to see how it SHOULD be).

What if your physician ONLY worked until 5:00pm and your 4:00p appointment was going to take 90 minutes?? Guess you can FIGURE out the rest on your own, huh?

When you are FOCUSED internally, rather than on your clients, spouse or friends... EXPECT to "FAIL" in those endeavors.

By adopting a SERVICE DRIVEN philosophy, focused on HELPING others meet and exceed their goals, you will find that the RESPECT for your time, attention and thoughts will naturally come along.

I knew it was 5:02p. I wouldn't be there if it wasn't IMPORTANT... And most ASSUREDLY would be quick. But who cares?!? I should have been there earlier... Oops! I was SERVING my clients - on their PREFERRED schedule.

Guess that's another Morning Motivator for another time!! :)


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