Morning Motivator – Even When They Laugh at You…

"People tend to overstate my resilience, but, of course, I hope they're right."
-David Brudnoy

When I was around 23 years old, I had someone tell me, "You know you have a GREAT idea when everyone is laughing or yelling at you."

For many years, I carried that comment with me, never TRULY understanding what it meant.

Now, I understand that comment showcases the BRILLIANCE and RESILIENCE of someone that is willing to think in innovation. It's the defining INTERACTION of a "change-maker"… and the people they serve.

When you think about this, consider great ideas such as the personal computer (they likely LAUGHED at Gates), the Wright brothers as they took on human flight (I bet those were AMAZING discussions) or even something as simple as your first out of town trip (remember how your mom warned you OVER and OVER and OVER and… well, you get it).

Many other great actions and ideas have been met with the same FEAR or DISBELIEF… and yet, someone continues to create INNOVATION.

The STRENGTH to have an idea that will "ruffle some feathers" is critical in any great leader. More importantly, is the action and RESILIENCY to stay committed to your ideas and action as a leader.

As you approach meetings, look for ideas that create CONTROVERSY and DIFFICULT discussions – these are the platforms for great actions. Even if you ideas are not GRANTED legitimacy by the team, you will have created a great RESOLVE for that group of leaders to stay committed to their original ideas.

As we all know – sometime knowing what NOT to do is even BETTER than knowing what TO DO!

Stay RESILIENT and make sure your ideas are either firing someone up or making them laugh – THAT is how greatness is born!


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