Morning Motivator – What a Great Leader Does Different...

"The difference between a good leader and a great leader is their willingness to take action!"
- Unknown

Face it – you ARE a leader. That is why you take the TIME to read the books, do the research and maintain relationships with the people you do.

FOLLOWERS don't take the time to read things like the Morning Motivator or watch the news. LEADERS are sought after for advice and support. They are looked to for DIRECTION and CONFIDENCE in action. Ultimately, without LEADERS… we have no FOCUS.

What is the DIFFERENCE between a good leader and a GREAT one? Some may suggest charisma, intelligence, education, connectivity or a slew of other MEANINGLESS characteristics.

There are plenty of GREAT leaders that are a**holes, ignorant, uneducated, lack political savvy and more. Some of the BEST leaders this world has seen, you have NEVER heard of.

So, what makes a GREAT leader? ACTION!

A great leader is someone that has the confidence and determination to take ACTION when others are paralyzed by fear and indecision. Do they always make the RIGHT decision or take the CORRECT action? No. Actually, they fail to make the CORRECT action or decision more often than they succeed. And still, THEY ARE GREAT.

Remember that without ACTION we have no growth, without RISK we can gain nothing and without DECISIONS we will all stand stagnant in this world. OWN your role – Be a TRUE leader – Make the DECISION and TAKE ACTION…

Because it is possible no one else will.


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