Morning Motivator - Invest in Infrastructure

"Education is not only a ladder of opportunity, but it is also an investment in our future."
- Ed Markey

In the city of Nashville, a battle is BREWING…

A discussion over INFRASTRUCTURE investment has been drawn by the growing interest in a downtown convention center. This is additional SPURRED by the bursting of 2 main water lines in the downtown district. What we have is a LESSON in infrastructure INVESTING.

People, much like a city, need GROWTH (convention center), it ALSO needs MAINTENANCE (water pipes). They are NOT mutually exclusive. You CANNOT have one without the other. They are truly a delicate BALANCE in resource development/management.

As a leader, what are you DOING to grow? To maintain? What INVESTMENTS are you making – personally, professionally, financially, spiritually?

Sometimes, we don't want to make the INVESTMENT needed to stabilize our existing systems. We OVERLOOK plumbing in our house, with dreams of a new addition. We UNDERVALUE the training class we can take, as we are doing well in our work.

A wise mentor once said to me, "chase the LEARNING opportunities and your success will follow." I couldn't AGREE more. I would add to that… "Schedule time to keep what you have learned FRESH, so you more easily know what OPPORTUNITIES to chase."

Ask yourself – what is ONE action I can take this weekend to GROW? And to MAINTAIN? Making THOSE investments, may be the best you make all year…


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