Morning Motivator – How Preparedness Won a Championship

"Good luck happens when preparedness meets opportunity"
- Unknown 

As a long time Saints fan, I am not quite ready to stop ANALYZING the successful run of the WHO DAT NATION. 

Yesterday evening, as I was listening to recaps of the game, I overheard Tracy Porter chatting about the interception of Peyton Manning which sealed the Saints VICTORY.  During his interview he detailed the UNDERSTANDING of the offensive routes that the receivers were running on that specific play.  He noted that he had ANALYZED the formation on film MANY TIMES and KNEW what to expect as a result, allowing him to jump the route and score! 

Some people may think that ATHLETES are all big dumb animals.  More brawn than BRAINS.  I would like to contest that comment.  Sure, they are paid for their strength, speed and endurance, and yet the SUPERSTARS are the ones that are INTELLIGENT and disciplined in their PREPAREDNESS.  Quite similar to your office setting (without the smell of sweaty of socks and fewer TV reporters). 

Being identified as a PROFESSIONAL is developed by having a comparative advantage (remember that old economics term?) in a skill set over others which is found to be marketable and useful in an organization.  Simply put, you are better than most common people at a specific task. 

Just as an athlete is faster or stronger than you, it is your ABILITY to manage time and finances that make YOU better than they. 

Overall, whether you are in finance or professional sports, you will CONTINUALLY find that the people who ACHIEVE under the highest pressure, the ones that SUCCEED at the highest levels and CONTINUE to attain their goals year after year, are the people who are DISCIPLINED and PREPARED.  

Question yourself.  Are you taking the APPROPRIATE steps to be PREPARED for success?  Studying, training, testing, connecting…  WHAT ELSE?!   (and just because I still can't believe it… WHO DAT!!) 


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