Morning Motivator - Invest The Time!

"Of course you can call me... I see you every year!"
- Tina Kizer

How long does it take to BUILD a relationship? How VALUABLE is a relationship?

Any QUALITY relationship is built of FAMILIARARITY, TRUST and CONSISTENCY.

BUILDING great relationships will require that you, as a professional, always YIELD to the benefit of your client over yours. It will require that you ask HOW someone would like to be treated. It will require that you stay PATIENT, continually EDUCATE and be AVAILABLE on their schedule (within reason).

Learning to be TRUSTED and RESPECTED first, before you ever make a dollar, is a very long term focus.

It is both DIFFICULT and FRUSTRATING... And yet, if you do it well...

One day, it is very REWARDING - personally and professionally.

Are you INVESTING the time to build a better future?


*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to –

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