Morning Motivator – Innovate Your Way to Success…

"The most successful people are those who are good at Plan B."
- James Yorke 

Today's GREAT idea proved to be less valuable than you expected – so what!?  Tomorrow's idea could be 10x BETTER! 

Innovation and continued passion for IMPROVEMENT consistently proves to be a quality of successful professionals.  It is the professionals' PURSUIT of achievement towards a specific end goal which drives for CREATIVE development in innovative forms of problem solving.  Simply, you can apply BRILLIANCE when you run out of options to achieve your goal.

Consider the role of a CEO… what is their JOB?  Would you consider them a "do-er"?  Is it their job to see that reports are turned in ON TIME?   Is it their role to ensure that a particular division is functioning PROPERLY day to day?  NO!  It is their job to SOLVE the problems that others cannot figure out and tear down the barriers keeping others from succeeding. 

Just as the role of the CEO, YOUR role as a leader is to CREATE innovative ways to overcome barriers – for yourself and others. 

By ADOPTING a behavior pattern of relentless pursuit of excellence, you will find that your creativity and innovation skills will enhance.  As a result, so will your SUCCESS. 

For me, I have adopted a FOCUS in creating more opportunities using less and less time.  That's it.  Very SIMPLE.  Do more with the fewest minutes involved.  Now, can you IMAGINE how creative you could get with ways to do more of your work with less time in the office? 

Now THAT would be innovative! 


*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to –

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