Morning Motivator - Simple Priorities

"Focus on fewer things and find you are able to focus on much more."
- Unknown

Quick - name your TOP THREE priorities.

What did you come up with? Mine are fairly SIMPLE - work, fitness, school. (Nancy doesn't have to be prioritized as she takes precedence over everything as needed).

If we have an UNDERSTANDING of what out top 3 priorities are, why do we so often FAIL to achieve any in a day. We ALLOW ourselves to become "busy" with "more important" tasks.

We allow the NOISE to overwhelm our focus and INTRUDE upon our success.

Within your TOP 3 PRIORITIES, what actions should be taken daily?

If those actions are MOST IMPORTANT, when should they be EXECUTED?

If you FAIL to achieve any in a day, are they TRULY a priority?

If you want to be SUCCESSFUL at the things you want to be successful at, PICK your priorities and focus on EXECUTING those tasks first.

Everything else... Is just a DISTRACTION!


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