Morning Motivator - Are You Afraid to Achieve?

"The price of getting what you want is getting what you once wanted."
- Neil Gaiman, Sandman

I have a PHILOSOPHY on why people don't achieve their goals... They wouldn't know what to DO next.

Every wondered what life would be like if you ATTAINED your highest goals? A few words to detail the feelings come to mind - elated, accomplished, proud, fulfilled. How about DISAPPOINTED, FEARFUL OR DEFALTED?

The FEAR people have with achieving goals is that it REQUIRES you to create NEW ones...

The FUN in achieving goals is not the accomplishment, rather the CONFIDENCE that you CAN achieve your goals...

Why is that IMPORTANT?

If you can achieve that one... Why NOT any goals? What is PREVENTING you from attaining all your dreams?

Set a goal and ACHIEVE it. DISCOVER how easy that was and do it AGAIN! (This time dream BIGGER!)


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