Morning Motivator - Socially Responsible?

"... A sharply divided nation."
- The Wall Street Journal

Last night, a HISTORICAL vote took place. Our political leadership passed a Healthcare Reform Bill. Good or bad - it is done.

My question, as a professional, is "was a 'victory' worth the backlash?" Our country, currently, is more DIVIDED with regards to finances, race relations, social beliefs and more. The vote was TOTALLY partisan - pitting liberals against conservatives, driving for "VICTORY!"

Better question... "If half the people in your company were wholly AGAINST a policy, would you DISREGARD their thoughts and move forward?"

Many liberals, today, are CELEBRATING their victory over the GOP. And yet, we ask, "what did they win?"

It is LIKELY that the byproduct of this "VICTORY" will be further dissolve of mutually beneficial relationships, as well as TRUST of one another. A COST we will all pay...

How socially RESPONSIBLE is that?


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