Morning Motivator - Being Effective AND Efficient

"Effective is doing the things that get you closer to your goals. Efficiency is performing a given task (whether important of not) in the most economical manner possible."
- Timothy Ferriss

Yesterday, I mentioned PURPOSE. Defining WHO and WHAT you are (or will become).

As part of ACHIEVING purpose, we must all "walk the path" to get there. We must PLOT our track, step accordingly and WORK to attain our goals in order to fulfill purpose. So, how do we get there??

EFFECTIVE execution of our goals is the action of defining and executing CORRECT steps. EFFICIENCY is doing it in the least effort and time possible. We all want it NOW, but do you want it right...?

TIME is an arbitrary measurement, defined by our personal expectations of "believed" results.

When we are very effective and brief in execution (ie efficient) we place LITTLE value on time.

When we STRUGGLE to achieve or are required to "start over" due to missed steps (ie inefficient), we tend to place more "WEIGHT" on the measure of time.

I will conceded that time is LIMITED. However, taking the TIME, no matter how long, to be EFFECTIVE the first time around, is the DEFINITION of efficiency...

It may take me 10 years to become a college professor (which "feels" very long), yet if that's the MINIMUM amount "I" require to attain that goal... then God help me to make sure it doesn't take 11!


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