Morning Motivator - Use Your Team!

"Relationships are made in trust with hopes of speed and mutual benefit."
- Unknown

Over the past years you have met MANY people and kept a lot of relationships. Some more intense currently than others, still, all very valuable.

Ask yourself - "why am I BUILDING this vast network?"

Unless you have a deep psychological NEED for attention and take SOLICE in being surrounded by people, you are likely BUILDING a "benefit network." This is your group of TRUSTED associates that SHARE passions, vision and pursuits.

They want SIMILAR things as you... and are willing to help get you there!

UNDERSTAND that your friends are just that - YOUR FRIENDS! They are on YOUR team!!

They will and WANT to help you achieve your goals. They KNOW you want to help do the same.

You work HARD to build your relationships. You work HARDER to maintain them. Use them or lose them and NEVER be afraid to ask for help...

Your TEAM will always be there!


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