Morning Motivator - The World's Scariest Word

"The path to the necessary answer is through the most challenging and difficult questions."
- Zachary Barker

In the past weeks, I have found that I continue to ask ONE question again and again... "WHY!?"

To many people, this is the world's ScaRiEsT question (notice the fear implied in the capitalization).

"WHY" forces us to look past the shallow rationals we give for our actions. It REQUIRES that we define purpose for our actions - analyzing BUSY vs PRODUCTIVE. The question also makes us look into our SOUL to decide if what we are doing is EMPTY SUCCESS or VALID ACHIEVEMENT.

Most people do not begin seeking PURPOSE in their actions until later in life. Often, we hear this DEFINED by the phrase, "if I could go back, knowing what I know now..." and so forth.

Why let those years pass by? Why not begin CONSIDERING your path today?

The SCARIEST thought for me is to achieve a second coming of EMPTY SUCCESS. The great job, great income, nice house, car, etc... And still no FULFILLMENT.

Ask yourself WHY you are doing what you do... If the answer comes EASY, then you are getting closer. If not, change directions.


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