Morning Motivator - Battle Through!

"Sure. Sometimes I wake up and the last thing I want to do is this blog!"
- Guess who?

Do you know what the most DIFFICULT thing is about trying do something positive? The fact you CANNOT take days off!

If you work out in the gym and "skip" a week, you are not starting up... You are starting OVER. If you making DAILY sales calls and you "take it easy" one day, your CYCLE is ended. Don't even start on DIETING...

The END of a cycle is just that - THE END!

I ADMIT it... Somedays the Morning Motivator is more about COMMITMENT than MOTIVATION. (You can probably hear the "tone" in the messages).

Luckily, I am NOT the judge of quality. Some of "my" worst submissions have been VERY well received by readers. On THOSE days, I am very pleased I STUCK to my guns and battled through...

SUCCESS is not about performing at the "highest possible level" everyday. Sometimes it is just about "SHOWING UP."

Always keep in mind that MOST people "take the day off" or "quit" when it gets tough... So even a 75% effort BLOWS AWAY the 0% the other guy (or gal) made!


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