Morning Motivator - Being in the "3"

"Only three percent of adults have written goals, and everyone else works for them."
- Brian Tracy

Thank you to my GREAT friend, Josh Anderson of Keller Williams in Nashville, for this quote!

I have been considering this quote over the past 2 days. I have not yet been CONVINCED that this is true... YET, I have decided it likely is.

Not everyone OWNS a business. Not everyone is the DIRECTOR of a school. Few people have MULTIPLE direct reports under them. And yet... I would SUGGEST that if you are a person with WRITTEN goals, you are likely in a leadership position where you are leveraging the skills of others to accomplish your goals.

Are you achieving your SUCCESS goals? If you ask yourself WHAT your goals are, do you have to THINK about them or do you know them "COLD"? Has anyone ever asked you what you are working TOWARDS? What did you REPLY with?

All too often, we become sucked in to the PERPETUAL conundrum of WORKING for "something" we cannot define. We vigorously PURSUE wealth, promotions, nice cars and houses to SATISFY our need to be important and feel purposeful. And what happens when we get all the NICETIES we have been seeking??

Commonly, we enjoy the ELATION of achievement, proudly showing off our new title, vehicle, or whatever possession we deem VALUABLE. Ironically, very SHORTLY after (maybe within 3 months), we grow TIRESOME of the new flashy thing and are back on the hunt to get our fix again.

By choosing to have and pursue WRITTEN GOALS, you are forced to examine what you really seek to achieve or become. This activity will provide you with FOCUS and PURPOSE in your daily activities. Additionally, and possibly most valuable, these goals will give you CONFIDENCE in saying "no" to an opportunity that does not best suit your personal goals.

The difference between the top 3 percent and the other 97 percent becomes as much KNOWING what NOT to do, as knowing what TO do! Write down your GOALS!


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