Morning Motivator- A Dream Chasing Adventure

"You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water. Don't let yourself indulge in vain wishes."
-Rabindranath Tagore 

When was the last time you were REALLY uncomfortable?  I don't mean like you put your underwear on backwards, rather, the kind of uncomfortable that tests your STRENGTH and forces you to GROW.  Have you ever?? 

A vast majority of people in our society speak of DREAMS.  The ADVENTURE they will take "when…" and they ways they will CHALLENGE their self.  Most are waiting on SOMETHING which is undefined and lacking time frames.  These ideas are not dreams, they are FANTASIES.  Dreams you pursue… Fantasies you just think of with no action to follow. 

What is keeping you from CHASING your dreams?  What is keeping you from changing your FANTASIES into something much more real!? 


DREAM CHASING is the most wonderful of all adventures.  This action creates the moments in life most memorable.  You will remember the emotions of being terrified, elated, nervous, confident, sick to your stomach and ready to conquer the world. 

You can use our favorite S.M.A.R.T. goals definition to put shape to your dreams and give them action! 

Be SPECIFIC about what you want to achieve.  Define MEASUREMENTS so you can track your progress (a great motivator).  Ensure your goals are ATTAINABLE (and find the resources to help you if needed).  Define REALISTIC time frame and actions (it is difficult to fly without a plane).  Most importantly – put a TIME FRAME on it (how soon should I achieve each milestone and/or total goal?) 

FEAR is the best of motivators and will keep you from DREAM CHASING if you are not strong enough to overcome.  Remember that there is NO FAILURE, only learning.  The only REAL failure, is the failure to believe in yourself and take action!   


*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to –

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