Morning Motivator - I Hate Lines!

"Name me one daily aggravation worse than waiting in line?"
- Zachary Barker

If you were able to CHANGE anything about your daily life, what would it be?? For me, it is to never again WAIT in line.

Customer Service (better stated 'client service') is ALL about making your patrons happy. About CREATING a memorable experience that eliminates pain. About PROVIDING processes that allow clients to get consistent, positive results from interacting with you.

So why are so MANY businesses failing??

Businesses DEDICATE countless resources to research, polls, promotions, client appreciations and more. Yet, very few ask "what is the ONE thing can we do to make it easier to work with us?"

Excellent service is about solving the REAL issues, not putting a chocolate on their pillow or sending a follow up email.

Ask your clients what they want - then do it! Even if it sounds IMPOSSIBLE (as we all know that 'impossible' is a farce.)


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