Morning Motivator – Accepting the Adventure 

"Life is either a great adventure or nothing."
- Helen Keller 

Yesterday, I made an announcement of some personal BIG NEWS.  With a tearful eye and hopeful heart, I am wishing my home city of Nashville "adieu", as my fiancée, Nancy, has accepted a job in Lafayette, La. starting August 1st, 2010.  

As a 16 year resident of Nashville, I have "grown up" here from a scared high school kid from Southern California to a confident leader and man amongst a wonderful community of like minded leaders in Nashville. And now, there is a new CHALLENGE, a new ADVENTURE… 

We all face ADVERSITY in our lives, some negative, some positive (as this is).  Yet, we all are CHALLENGED to overcome unfamiliar situations and are asked to be STRONGER than we have been in order to better the lives of those around us.  You have a CHOICE – accept this challenge and ATTACK the new adventure… or… pout, cry and complain about how DIFFICULT it will be.  I suspect you are the former, not the latter. 

In order to better yourself, you MUST get outside your comfort zone.  You must CHALLENGE your skills. 

For me, this is an OPPORTUNITY to use the wonderful learning I have received from my mentors, friends, colleagues and supporters.  I have the opportunity to share YOUR talents with those that I have not yet met.  This is MY opportunity to prove to myself that I am as good as I think I am. 

Our confidence and self-assurance will ALWAYS lead us to success.  Our FOCUS and mental acuity will continue to allow us to affect positively those around us.  

Will you be ready to ACCEPT the adventure that is soon to face you?  Are you WILLING to accept the challenge??


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