Morning Motivator - The Pain of Growth

"Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place."
- Lance Armstrong

PAIN is a feeling most of us seek to avoid as much as able. "Pain" comes in VARYING forms - awkwardness, social discomfort, physical discomfort, mental strain and more. Anyone that KNOWS pain does not seek it out.

Oddly, pain is a great INDICATION of growth. When we lose a love, we ache. Yet, we LEARN to love deeper. When we EXERCISE, our muscles cramp, and then our endurance soon improves. As we struggle to UNDERSTAND new ideas, we feel stress, right before we achieve ENLIGHTMENT.

PAIN is your sign that GROWTH is occurring... RAPIDLY!

A life lacking discomfort is a life WITHOUT challenge. A life without challenge is a LIFE not worth living.
CHALLENGE yourself to experience some pain daily. Hit the GYM for an hour and bust your butt! Read a book that challenges your UNDERSTANDING and create an argument to defend it.

By creating PAIN situations for yourself, you will create RESILIENCY, as well as GROWTH that will enhance your personal and professional well being...

And when you do EXPERIENCE unexpected pain, you will be less likely to be hurt by it!


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